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КМСкладной электросамокат Lamborghini ALext, запас хода 50 км, максимальная скорость до 25 км/ч, бескамерные шины 11 дюймов, стально-алюминиевая рама, д
Lamborghini ALext Extelctric Scooter The Lamborghini ALext Extelctric Scooter combines the luxury and style associated with the Lamborghini brand with the practicality and eco-friendliness of an electric scooter. This sleek and eye-catching scooter is designed to provide an efficient and convenient mode of urban transportation. Performance: High Performance with comfort to move with ease and stability in city traffic, thanks to the support of the dual suspension and the 6.5" FAT tubeless wheels. Even more freedom of choice with the three driving modes (6, 20, 25 km/h) up to a extra long range of 50 Km with a charging of up to 7 Hrs with 624Wh battery and peak power of 700W Safety: It has ultra-bright headlight for night driving, Dual brake: E-brake and Disc brake system, red rear lights, and 6.5” FAT Anti-puncture tubeless tire with dual suspension that absorb impact. Battery: It lasts up to 50 km without worrying about the battery, a0 15881588RUB1588RUB

Складной электросамокат Lamborghini ALext, запас хода 50 км, максимальная скорость до 25 км/ч, бескамерные шины 11 дюймов, стально-алюминиевая рама, д в Муроме
Lamborghini ALext Extelctric Scooter The Lamborghini ALext Extelctric Scooter combines the luxury and style associated with the Lamborghini brand with the practicality and eco-friendliness of an electric scooter. This sleek and eye-catching scooter is designed to provide an efficient and convenient mode of urban transportation. Performance: High Performance with comfort to move with ease and stability in city traffic, thanks to the support of the dual suspension and the 6.5" FAT tubeless wheels. Even more freedom of choice with the three driving modes (6, 20, 25 km/h) up to a extra long range of 50 Km with a charging of up to 7 Hrs with 624Wh battery and peak power of 700W Safety: It has ultra-bright headlight for night driving, Dual brake: E-brake and Disc brake system, red rear lights, and 6.5” FAT Anti-puncture tubeless tire with dual suspension that absorb impact. Battery: It lasts up to 50 km without worrying about the battery, a
💥 Электросамокат Kugoo LX 11 Plus — мощный, скоростной, для дальних поездок. Обзор и тест-драйв!
💥 Электросамокат Kugoo LX 11 Plus — мощный, скоростной, для дальних поездок. Обзор и тест-драйв!
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
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